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EnterpriseNG: Fundamentals of Angular
Getting Started
Introduction (1:30)
How to Learn Angular 10x Faster (2:24)
Prerequisites (1:43)
Using the CLI (5:40)
Exercise: Creating an Angular App (1:31)
Introduction to an Angular Application (5:17)
Introduction to TypeScript Types (9:43)
TypeScript for Angular (3:58)
TypeScript Decorators (2:30)
Exercise: Using TypeScript (2:35)
Solution: Using TypeScript (4:54)
Introduction to Angular Components (7:22)
Data Binding (6:56)
Exercise: Displaying Data (2:23)
Solution: Displaying Data (2:07)
The Safe Navigation Operator (3:48)
Listening to Events (9:22)
Exercise: Listening to Events (1:21)
Solution: Listening to Events (3:04)
Exercise: Putting the Basics Together (2:29)
Solution: Putting the Basics Together (9:05)
Solution: Bonus - Putting the Basics Together (5:25)
Summary (0:27)
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Organizing an Angular Application
Introduction (1:46)
Modules & The App Module (3:10)
What are Services (6:06)
Creating Services with the CLI (4:35)
Exercise: Creating a Service (1:05)
Solution: Creating a Service (0:54)
Creating Basic Components with the CLI (6:21)
CLI Flags for Creating Components (3:41)
Exercise: Creating Components with the CLI (2:18)
Solution: Creating Components with the CLI (4:19)
Child Components (7:13)
Sending Data to a Child Component (5:08)
Exercise: Sending Data to a Child Component (1:50)
Solution: Sending Data to a Child Component (7:35)
Who Owns the Data? (3:45)
Communicating with Parent Components (7:34)
Container vs Presenter Components (2:00)
Exercise: Communicating with Parent Components (0:44)
Solution: Communicating with Parent Components (3:27)
Accessing Static Assets (3:41)
Styling Components (8:22)
The Styles Attribute (2:12)
Exercise: Styling Components (0:47)
Solution: Styling Components (2:31)
Best Practices (6:11)
Overview of Using Services & Components Together (3:25)
Using Services & Components Together in Practice (7:49)
Exercise: Putting it all together (0:54)
Solution: Creating Components & Services (9:42)
Solution: Wiring Everything Together (9:48)
Solution: Cleaning up Styles (2:55)
Building an App (2:18)
Summary (1:48)
Displaying Data
Introduction (0:58)
Expressions (5:03)
Interpolation vs. Property Bindings (6:27)
Setting the Document Title (2:37)
Binding to Styles (4:23)
Exercise: Binding to Styles (0:41)
Solution: Binding to Styles (1:13)
Debugging a Template (6:01)
Binding to Classes (6:47)
Exercise: Binding to Classes (0:47)
Solution: Binding to Classes (1:13)
Displaying Lists of Data with ngFor (7:00)
Working with Items in an ngFor (4:46)
Using ngFor with Child Components (5:23)
Directives (3:03)
Exercise: Displaying a List (1:44)
Solution: Displaying a List (9:02)
Conditional Display with ngIf (5:05)
Conditional Display with ngSwitch (7:44)
Exercise: Conditional Display (2:23)
Solution: Conditional Display (4:37)
Using Pipes (6:12)
Common Pipes (7:28)
The Date Pipe (5:31)
Exercise: Using Pipes (0:43)
Solution: Using Pipes (2:59)
Exercise: Displaying Data (3:15)
Solution: Displaying Data (9:02)
Solution Bonus: Displaying Data (4:06)
Let's Code Together (2:12)
Summary (1:19)
Communicating with a Server
Introduction (3:55)
What are Observables? (7:56)
Modifying Data in the Stream (9:04)
Exercise: Work with an Observable (2:51)
Solution: Work with an Observable (4:47)
Using Models (5:35)
Installing the Server (2:48)
Dealing with RESTful API's (2:33)
Making GET Requests in Angular (8:41)
Using Services with HTTP Requests (5:45)
Exercise: Make a GET Request (1:13)
Solution: Make a GET Request (5:09)
Using QueryString Parameters (4:20)
The Async Pipe (6:55)
Exercise: Using the Async Pipe (0:59)
Solution: Using the Async Pipe (0:41)
Making POST Requests (8:17)
Updating the Client after a Change (1:59)
Keeping Local Data in Sync (3:59)
Exercise: Making POST Requests (1:45)
Solution: Making POST Requests (3:42)
Making PUT Requests (6:14)
Making DELETE Requests (5:49)
Exercise: Communicating with a Server (3:17)
Solution: Communicating with a Server (8:56)
Summary (1:40)
Introduction (7:59)
Modules Revisited (2:38)
Importing the RouterModule (6:46)
Creating a Simple Route (8:26)
Exercise: Basic Routing (0:52)
Solution: Basic Routing (4:41)
Route Redirects (4:44)
Exercise: Route Redirects (0:51)
Solution: Route Redirects (1:49)
Linking to Routes (5:41)
Exercise: Linking to Routes (0:49)
Solution: Linking to Routes (0:41)
Configuring Parameters in Routes (4:07)
Retrieving Current Route Parameters (5:46)
Linking to Parameterized Routes (5:02)
Exercise: Using Route Parameters (1:37)
Solution: Using Route Parameters (4:26)
Query Parameters in Links (5:30)
Retrieving Query Parameters (6:08)
Exercise: Using Query Parameters (1:45)
Solution: Using Query Parameters (4:33)
Wildcard Route (1:27)
Routing Table Priority (3:44)
Exercise: Routing Table Priority (1:14)
Solution: Routing Table Priority (4:26)
Navigating in Code (5:57)
Exercise: Navigating in Code (1:22)
Solution: Navigating in Code (2:44)
Exercise: Routing within an Application (3:01)
Solution: Routing within an Application (8:24)
Summary (1:36)
Feature Modules
Introduction (2:50)
Creating Feature Modules (7:16)
Creating Feature Modules with the CLI (4:52)
Exercise: Create a Feature Module (1:42)
Solution: Create a Feature Module (4:36)
Lazy Loading a Feature Module (7:56)
Lazy Loading with the CLI (6:08)
Exercise: Create a Lazy-Loaded Module (1:27)
Solution: Create a Lazy-Loaded Module (2:25)
Summary (1:20)
Debugging a Template
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