Build for Accessibility with Angular

with Martine Dowden & Michael Dowden

Millions of people depend on accessibility features in order to use websites and applications, and to access technology and data that we often take for granted. When building for the web it is very important that we consider how to make sure our software is accessible to everyone. In fact, you very likely take advantage of accessibility features yourself on a regular basis: If you’ve used the keyboard to quickly fill out a web form, watched a video with subtitles to avoid waking up the kids, or used your voice to interface with your phone, you’ve benefited from good accessibility.

Unfortunately, as a tech community, even when we understand the importance of accessibility, the implementation often falls short. And when you find instructions on implementing web accessibility, so often they are overly simplistic and don’t translate easily into your development stack.

This hands-on workshop is for those interested in learning how to get started with web accessibility, but in a realistic scenario using the Angular framework, components, and Material design. During this workshop you will take an existing web application and identify and fix its accessibility issues. You’ll have an opportunity to apply your own theme, perform accessibility testing, and build an Accessibility Action Plan to take back to work with you.

You will learn:

– Accessibility principles

– Accessibility issues and their impact on users

– Tools and techniques to identify issues

– Strategies and methods for fixing accessibility issues

– Theming with components, SCSS, and material design

– Input error handling and material forms

– How to build out an accessibility action plan

To get the most out of this workshop you should have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and Angular are assumed. You will be using and building on these skills as you are introduced to Accessibility concepts.

Full-Day Workshop